
EDMARK Splina Liquid Chlorophyll:
Nature's Optimal Detoxification Supplement
- Chlorophyll, the pigment responsible for plants’ green color, plays a crucial role in their survival as it serves as the agent for photosynthesis.
- Photosynthesis occurs when plants harness sunlight energy, allowing chlorophyll to convert water and carbon dioxide into sugar.
- According to American Nutritionist Professor Ragnar Berg, maintaining a healthy body with a pH level of approximately 7.3-7.4 requires a daily diet consisting of 20% acidic and 80% alkaline foods.
- Diets heavily reliant on acidic foods may lead to increased body acidity, contributing to various health issues such as heart disease, arthritis, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, and high cholesterol.
- Examples of acidic foods include meat, seafood, canned goods, cheese, alcohol, and carbonated beverages.
- Lipase • Amylase • Coagulase • Emulsin • Invertase • Peroxidase • Pectinase • Protese
- BALANCE – the acid and alkaline levels in the body while enhancing immunity.
- CLEANSE – the digestive system while assisting in purifying blood.
- NOURISH – rich in Vitamins A, C, and E, Zinc, Folic Acid, Calcium, Magnesium, and Iron.
RO-EDI Water (Reverse Osmosis-Electrodeionization) 17f1.oz (500ml), Finest grade of Chlorophylli (Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin) 0.1oz (4g).